We’re pros who know prose

At Eastman Communications, we’re great at creating communications campaigns and even better with words. Here are a handful of examples…

Taking business to a higher level

Animal communicator Terri Steuben wanted to create a brand, build her client base and add sources of income. Eastman Communications positioned her as “The Pet Whisperer” and developed strategic communications to grow her business. We produced ads, videos, social media content, marketing materials and a website as well as coordinated media interviews and community events.

We also co-authored and published her first two books, Secrets of a Pet Whisperer: Stop Telling Your Pets to Misbehave and Tails of Triumph: Animals Tell Their Katrina Stories. These promotional tactics have helped Terri continue to reach and set new goals for her services and products, including a third book now in development.

Facing the media spotlight

The USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy completed a groundbreaking research project that was accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association – a first for the OT profession. The division chair was asked to speak about the Well Elderly Study to the national media at a JAMA conference in Washington D.C., which would serve as the kick-off for USC’s promotion of its findings and top-ranked OT division.

Eastman Communications helped by coaching the chair for media interviews as well preparing a speech for the press conference, news release and summary of the 30-page study findings for distribution to journalists. The Associated Press, TV stations across the country, consumer media and medical publications all picked up the story, generating interest in the OT program that has had a lasting impact on the university. The speech itself – which began with a level-setting definition of OT and its role in healthcare – has been widely used and quoted by medical professionals.

Turning on a dime

The Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium was set to announce a major project with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency when the international nonprofit lost its PR director. NCOIC needed promotional expertise fast and Eastman Communications stepped right in.

Throughout the next year, we wrote news releases and presentations, pitched and placed articles and blogs, and coordinated media activities at an event for government and business leaders on the East Coast. Since that time, we have rewritten the consortium’s 60-page website and produced monthly member updates, social media content and executive messaging.

These communications have created a new level of public exposure for NCOIC that exceeded expectations and helped position the consortium for success in its second decade.

Building quality and teamwork

A new management team at Monterey Park Hospital wanted to ramp up communication with employees and physicians in a push to improve teamwork, quality, safety and patient outcomes. Eastman Communications re-conceptualized and wrote a monthly staff newsletter and a quarterly newsletter for doctors that announced quality metrics, recognized accomplishments and provided educational information on care and safety procedures.

In addition, we prepared executive messages, speeches and other communications that reinforced key messages to internal and external publics. Hospital leaders felt the improved communications helped their teams achieve top-level performance and patient satisfaction scores.

Getting the job done through twists and turn

Over the years, Eastman Communications has assisted entrepreneurs and small business owners with sales materials, advertisements and other promotions. We understand tight budgets and short deadlines. We know how to find work-arounds and change direction.

One client, a financial consultant, had to scrap a campaign we were developing when the markets went into a free-fall. In a year, as the economy stabilized, we were able to re-craft what we’d prepared and gave him promotional materials that met his new needs.

Generating exposure and income for charities

Dave and Diana Eastman have written many speeches and messages for corporate executives, government leaders and nonprofit administrators. (Sorry, we can’t tell you who they were or we’d have to shoot you). We love writing about charities, causes and issues, and enjoy working with nonprofit organizations.

We have coordinated conferences, fundraising events, grant proposals and direct mail solicitations for a variety of great groups. For example, we’ve produced invitations and event programs for Steel Magnolias of the Stramski Children’s Development Center, redesigned the organization’s newsletter and rewritten its website.

Contact us if you would like to see samples of our writing and project work.


Writing • Editing • Public Relations • Marketing • Fundraising


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